
Sunday 17 July 2016

Serial - A MUST listen!!

Hello fellow geeklies! 

I am in the process of composing my first topic and that will be ready for next week. The topic for discussion is Social Constructionism!! The what's, the who's, why it matters and its future!!

In the meantime I really really REALLY suggest you listen to this amazing podcast called 'Serial'.

Serial is a two season non-fictional podcast that is narrated by Sarah Koenig.  The podcast follows Sarah's own investigation into a murder at Woodlawn High School, Baltimore, 1999.  A fellow student of the school, and the victims then recent ex-boyfriend, Adnon Syed was arrested and convicted of the murder. The problem? Adnon is still protesting his innocence 17 years on.  

Listening to Sarah and her amazing explation of the year long journey that she has taken fully captures you as a listener and really makes you think and switch from Adnon being guilty to Adnon being innocent. 

I myself am only in the first season but have really enjoyed each episode so far - the podcast highlights issues with eyewitnesses, the justice system but also the amount of pressure that is placed on detectives to find the culprit to a point where serious errors occur that could jeopardise the case as a whole. 

Whilst listening to Sarah you feel as though you are taking the journey with her into finding more about the horrendous murder of a college school girl - but you also are unsure of what is around the corner in regards to evidence that is uncovered and how this would effect Adnon. 

I really do suggest that you give this and try and let me know what you think - below is the link for the first episode:

Happy listening 🤓🤓

Monday 11 July 2016

Upcoming Topics

Hello fellow geeklies!

I have been thinking of a few topics to blog about over the next few weeks and have so far created the following:

Social Constructionism
The power of Manipulation
Crowd Behaviour
Mental illness 
Necrophilia and other extreme crimes
The Lucifer Effect
Religion and Violence

These are just to name a few of the weekly topics that I will be reading about and hopefully starting some discussions.....if there are any topics that you would like me to study or discuss then please just drop me an email or tweet.  

Apart from that, the first topic will be on by the end of the week--I'll be adding papers, journals, books and relative videos in my discussions so anyone can read and enjoy!!

🤓🤓 xx

Sunday 10 July 2016

All Hail Zimbardo!

Zimbardo and his research is one of the main reasons that I became interested in Psychology. Particularly that of Social Psychology and the workings of humans within social experiments. His Stanford Prison experiment brought about such controversy that it is still the subject of debate to this day!

I absolutely adore and admire Zimbardo, the below video was a TEDtalk that Zimbardo did on the Psychology of Evil - Warning - there are some graphic images in this video that some people may find upsetting.

The video does make you think twice about the workings of an 'evil mind' or whether it is the individual person or the situation that the person is in.....some thought provoking stuff! Let me know what you think!